Capillary electrophoresis is daily used in clinical laboratories for protein abnormalities testing.
Capillary electrophoresis is characterised by a rapid and accurate signature-based measurement for major chronic diseases diagnosis and monitoring.
The Sebia capillary electrophoresis (CE) provide complete automation, with fast protein separation at high resolution.
Sebia CAPILLARYS is currently the most widely used capillary electrophoresis system in clinical laboratories worldwide.
The following resource will help anybody to understand how the capillary electrophoresis technology works, and why the exclusive expertise of Sebia brings a very high level of quality within the laboratory
Kapillarelektrophorese-Lösung für höchste Kapazitätsanforderungen.
Verbinden Sie unser flexibles Elektrophorese-Instrument mit Ihrer Laborstraße.
Kompakte und erschwingliche Automatisierung der Kapillarelektrophorese.
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