Serum immunofixation (IF) is routinely used in clinical laboratories to confirm the presence of an M-protein and determine its isotype. For laboratories looking for more of an automated method for the detection of M-proteins, immunotyping (IT) by capillary electrophoresis is also FDA-approved to confirm the presence of M-proteins and determine its isotype.
In this webinar, Dr. Katie Thoren will discuss a recent study comparing the performance of immunotyping to immunofixation for the detection of M-proteins. She will show that reviewer training and experience are critical to the correct interpretation of IT results and that the analytical and clinical sensitivity is similar to IF for the detection of M-proteins. Dr. Thoren will present the data, review the limitations of each test and discuss potential strategies for mitigating these limitations.
Learning Objectives
Nachweis von monoklonalen Proteinen mittels Agarose-Gel-Elektrophorese.
Vollautomatisierter Nachweis von monoklonalen Proteinen mit Kapillarelektrophorese.
Serumprotein-Elektrophorese mit hohem Durchsatz und hochauflösenden Ergebnissen.
Proteinurie-Test auf Nierenerkrankung.
Urinprotein-Elektrophorese mit hohem Durchsatz und hochauflösenden Ergebnissen.
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