From sample collection to results, CAPILLARYS 3 DBS ensures a smooth workflow with full sample traceability.
Its ease of use, high throughput and autonomy provide laboratories with a real gain in operational efficiency.
Thanks to the high resolution of Sebia CAPILLARYS 3 DBS, a clear detection of hemoglobin variants (S, C, D, E…) as well as thalassemia (Hb Bart’s) is offered to laboratories.
In addition, the automatic presumption of hemoglobin provided by the software (pathological and non-pathological) will allow laboratories to focus on pathological samples, thus relieving staff to focus on other important tasks
Hochdurchsatz-Lösung für das Neugeborenen-Hämoglobin-Screening.
Die Lösung für das Hämoglobinopathien-Screening bei Neugeborenen
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