The CAPILLARYS 3 TERA MC is a powerful and versatile instrument that consolidates the performance and functionality of three CAPILLARYS 3 TERA instruments into one Workcell.
The ergonomics of the Tube Loader allows for efficient sample loading, with a capacity of up to 528 samples. This high sample loading capacity enables the instrument to operate autonomously for up to 3 hours, conducting up to 600 tests without the need for constant supervision.
Additionally, the user-friendly features such as the LCD Touchscreen interface and Beacon enhance the overall user experience, making operation smooth and intuitive.
Scalable High performance solution achieving high throughput and walk-away time.
Efficiency through CAPILLARYS 3 TERA functionality and ergonomic sample loader.
Sample types: whole blood, urine, serum
With up to 36 capillaries, the high volume workcell CAPILLARYS 3 TERA MC can respond to the highest volume with a low hands-on-time. The loader can receive 66 racks in one go (528 samples).
Values for MC3 Throughput (tests/hour)*
PROTEIN(E) 6 (serum or urine) 260
IMMUNOTYPING (serum or urine) 34
Hb A1c 185
CDT 211
* refer to your local representative for the last update.
High throughput Serum Protein Electrophoresis with high resolution results.
High throughput Urine Protein Electrophoresis, with high resolution results.
Fully automated monoclonal proteins identification by Capillarys electrophoresis.
The high-resolution method for hemoglobin disorders screening.
The most reliable chronic alcohol abuse marker.
Interview between Sebia and M. Jean Deenmamode, CDT IFCC Working Group Chair
Understand in 2 minutes how capillary electrophoresis works, and why it gives such high and clear resolution in lab testing.
Understand your needs and constraints to provide you with the most suitable and integrated solution.
Improve your lab performance by optimizing your Sebia solutions.
With this short video report, become aware of all the benefits of partnering with Sebia and integrate your capillary electrophoresis into the lab track automation.
Educational Webinar with David G. Grenache, PhD, D(ABCC)
Chief Scientific Officer, TriCore Reference Laboratories
Educational Webinar with Dr. Mark Zaydman from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO
Educational Webinar with Jason EYRE
Educational Webinar with Dr. Jack Maggiore from Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago, IL
Educational Webinar with Mark R. Girton, MD and Dr. Matthew C. Wagner
IFCC CDT-Working Group standardized the CDT measurement.
The EurA1c trial, organized yearly, investigates the performance of HbA1c assays across countries and manufacturers.
This article assesses the performances of the different manufacturers and technologies (HPLC and CE) for Hb A2 measurement using both International Reference Reagent for HbA2 (WHO IRR 89/666) and analysis of three whole blood specimens over a range of HbA2, distributed to 56 laboratories located in 14 different countries.
This section contains information intended for wide distribution and may therefore contain product details or information that is not available or valid in your country.
Please contact your local Sebia representative. Information intended for healthcare professionals.
Carefully read the instructions in the reagent package inserts and instrument manuals.