Consumption of alcohol must be avoided in the following circumstances: during pregnancy, during childhood, while driving, operating machinery, when exercising (responsibilities which require vigilance), when taking certain medications, with certain chronic or acute diseases (epilepsy, pancreatitis, viral hepatitis, etc.) and for former alcoholics. It is a public health imperative to strengthen and sustain efforts to reduce the harmful use of alcohol worldwide. Each industry, health organization and individual, has a role to play to reduce the impact of excessive alcohol consumption.
A safe drinking or a responsible drinking is defined as follows:
Consumption on an occasional basis should not be more than 4 units(1) of alcohol on one occasion.
A cost-effective policy on alcohol abuse, diagnosis and monitoring in clinics, industries and forensic settings will improve clinical outcome, reduce drink driving, decrease accidents in major industries and consequently save the cost spent on alcohol related expenses.
Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin (CDT) is the most reliable blood marker for chronic alcohol abuse. An average daily consumption of more than 60 g of alcohol during the previous 2 weeks increases the percentage of this marker. Increased CDT levels indicate that alcohol is disrupting the normal chemistry of the liver cells. In most people, an elevated CDT will return to normal during several weeks of alcohol abstinence.
CDT is specific for heavy alcohol use; 30% reduction in CDT is consistent with a substantial reduction in alcohol intake. In many aspects, CDT has characteristics similar to HbA1c and other blood tests that change based on diet and/or therapeutical intervention. CDT increase serves as an indication that the person has returned to heavy drinking, providing an efficient and specific monitoring tool for healthcare professionals.
CDT is the marker recommended by IFCC.
Sebia’s CDT automated solution offers accurate CDT measurement and automated testing on CAPILLARYS 3 and MINICAP instruments. Thanks to capillary electrophoresis technology and the intuitive software, CAPI 3 CDT and MINICAP CDT allow visualization of all transferrin isoforms, potential analytical and genetical interferences (variants, CDG) and detection of curve abnormalities (such as in cirrhotic pattern). Providing confidence in your result reporting.
The annual IFCC certification ensures safe and standardized CDTIFCC results across all laboratories using CDTIFCC methods.
Sebia’s CDT solution is scalable and can be adapted to each lab’s activity for a streamlined workflow.
IFCC CDT-Working Group standardized the CDT measurement.
IFCC Standardisation of the Sebia CDT measurement on CAPILLARYS 3 TERA.
Interview between Sebia and M. Jean Deenmamode, CDT IFCC Working Group Chair
Article from Jean Deenmamode, IFCC CDT working group chair in CLI magazine.
Educational Webinar with M. Jean Deenmamode, IFCC Working Group Chair
With this short video report, become aware of all the benefits of partnering with Sebia and integrate your capillary electrophoresis into the lab track automation.
CDT is a sensitive and specific marker of chronic alcohol abuse, used in several contexts and notably including forensic settings, industries, clinical applications.
Educational Webinar with Dr Nadia Maria Porpiglia
IFCC Euromedlab 2021
Sebia booth: #121
Sebia Workshop: EduW22
IFCC Worldlab 2022
Sebia booth: #72
Sebia Workshop: EduW25
IFCC Euromedlab /WorldLab 2023
Sebia booth: #21
Sebia Workshop: EduW15
Capillary Electrophoresis solution to meet your high capacity needs.
The compact and affordable automation of Capillary Electrophoresis.
The most reliable chronic alcohol abuse marker.
(1) WHO- Global status report on alcohol and health 2018
This section contains information intended for wide distribution and may therefore contain product details or information that is not available or valid in your country.
Please contact your local Sebia representative. Information intended for healthcare professionals.
Carefully read the instructions in the reagent package inserts and instrument manuals.