What is CSR?

CSR focuses on how a company manages its impact on society and the environment through its operations and interactions with stakeholders. It covers a wide range of areas, including workers’ rights, health and safety, community relations, environmental impact, financial transparency and business ethics.

Sebia's strategy

Based on the 7 pillars of the ISO 26000 Sebia wishes to make a pragmatic contribution to global sustainable development, and to go beyond simple compliance with the laws governing its activities.

Sebia’s CSR approach pays close attention to its practices, the decision to implement a program of concrete actions and regular communications to keep all stakeholders informed.

This approach has been rewarded and Sebia has earned a Bronze Medal, a recognition awarded to the Top 35% of companies assessed by EcoVadis in the 12 months prior to the medal issue date. It reflects the quality of the company’s sustainability management system and demonstrates a commitment to promoting transparency throughout the value chain.


Our strategy is constructed around 4 main areas of action reminded in our Corporate and Social Responsability Charter:

Developing a responsible governance approach

Further to the CSR Commitment of the Board , Sebia has set up a CSR Steering Committee responsible for ensuring the implementation, monitoring and continuous improvement of our CSR approach.

Improving our social & societal commitment

Sebia considers all its employees to be the driving force behind its continuous progress. Sebia have chosen to go beyond the legal framework as part of our CSR strategy and implement several actions recommended by the ISO 26 000 standard and that can be consulted in our Corporate and Social Responsability Report.

Since 2024 Sebia has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.


Demonstrating ethical behavior towards our stakeholders

Because of its activity, its market position and its worldwide presence, Sebia must be an exemplary player, a company that unambiguously respects the fundamentals of professional ethics on a daily basis.

Sebia has developed a Code of ethics and business conduct to formalize its commitments and bring them to the attention of employees and external parties, so that they adopt the same ethical practices in line with the Group’s values and current regulations.

Sebia Environmental policy & main challenges

Acting to control our actions on the environment

Sebia manages an environmental management system certified ISO 14001 based on the improvement of our environmental performance focused on:

  • continuously monitoring natural resource usage
  • waste management
  • prevention of any potential pollutions and any other environmental-related impacts
  • promotion of any other “green provisions” of interest



Our « Green provisions » are integrated in all product lifecycle phases from development, to end of life.

Sebia is implementing a sustainable strategy strictly compliant with REACH /CLP regulations / RoHS.


GES / Energy

Sebia carries out regular energy audits by a specialised service-provider in order to implement actions to streamline energy consumptions and greenhouse gas emissions.

Wastes Management

Sebia is very attentive to waste management. All waste (including hazardous waste) receives adequate and suitable treatments by certified providers to enable highest percentage of material recycling.

Production effluents are pre-treated using an evapo-concentrator before being discharged into the sewerage network.

In accordance with the WEEE regulation, Sebia headquarters (based in France) is a member of an eco-body: ECOSYSTEM allowing instruments to be recycled.

Sebia Environmental News

Sebia and LNE (accredited certification body) recently and successfully renewed their collaboration (with obtention of EN ISO 14001: 2015 recertification) celebrated by the publication of an article on LNE’s communication networks.

Please click on the following link to access it: Testimonial Sebia – LNE