Excessive chronic alcohol consumption is a public health problem. Its diagnosis and monitoring will improve clinical outcome, reduce accidents and costs related to alcohol. Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin (CDT) is the IFCC recommended biomarker for chronic alcohol abuse. CAPI 3 CDT and MINICAP CDT are designed to quantify CDT by capillary electrophoresis on patient serum samples. During analysis, serum transferrin isoforms are separated into five major fractions according to their sialylation level:
CDTIFCC percent value is automatically displayed based on the calibration curve of disialotransferrin.
If CDTIFCC is not implemented, a classic CDT percent value is automatically calculated using the low-sialylated isoforms, i.e., disialotransferrin associated with asialotransferrin (if present).
The interpretation is simple. CDTIFCC greater than 2% are abnormal and indicative of chronic alcohol abuse whereas with classic CDT, results over 1.6%. are abnormal and indicative of chronic alcohol abuse.
Normal clinical result : CDTIFCC ≤ 1.7%
Forensic positive result: CDTIFCC > 2%
Ready to use reagents, no sample pre-treatment and no need for additional total transferrin measurement.
Potential analytical and genetical interferences (variants, CDG) and curve abnormalities (such as in cirrhotic pattern) can thus be detected and prevent false result reporting.
CDT is available on MINICAP and CAPILLARYS family offering multiple configurations for streamlined workflow.
Serum sample is needed to perform CDT test. In the context of forensic use, the serum sample unlike hair and urine, can ensure the integrity, the reliability of the analysis and avoid possible fraud.
Throughput (tests/hour)*
* Using Software version 9.30
Capillary Electrophoresis solution to meet your high capacity needs.
The compact and affordable automation of Capillary Electrophoresis.
IFCC Standardisation of the Sebia CDT measurement on CAPILLARYS 3 TERA.
Interview between Sebia and M. Jean Deenmamode, CDT IFCC Working Group Chair
IFCC Euromedlab 2021
Sebia booth: #121
Sebia Workshop: EduW22
Educational Webinar with M. Jean Deenmamode, IFCC Working Group Chair
IFCC Worldlab 2022
Sebia booth: #72
Sebia Workshop: EduW25
CDT is a sensitive and specific marker of chronic alcohol abuse, used in several contexts and notably including forensic settings, industries, clinical applications.
IFCC Euromedlab /WorldLab 2023
Sebia booth: #21
Sebia Workshop: EduW15
Educational Webinar with Dr Nadia Maria Porpiglia
IFCC CDT-Working Group standardized the CDT measurement.
Article from Jean Deenmamode, IFCC CDT working group chair in CLI magazine.
This section contains information intended for wide distribution and may therefore contain product details or information that is not available or valid in your country.
Please contact your local Sebia representative. Information intended for healthcare professionals.
Carefully read the instructions in the reagent package inserts and instrument manuals.