By doing a comprehensive performance assessment at your lab with our Lean Service we can propose to you a fully integrated solution that will impact positively your TAT and improve the patient care.
Evolution makes the difference.
The power of up to 36 capillaries in one automated high volume workcell.
Large menu with high quality results on gel electrophoresis.
Evolution makes the difference.
Evolution makes the difference.
Evolution makes the difference.
Evolution makes the difference.
The power of up to 36 capillaries in one automated high volume workcell.
The power of up to 36 capillaries in one automated high volume workcell.
The power of up to 36 capillaries in one automated high volume workcell.
The power of up to 36 capillaries in one automated high volume workcell.
Connect our flexible electrophoresis instrument on lab automation track.
Connect our flexible electrophoresis instrument on lab automation track.
Connect our flexible electrophoresis instrument on lab automation track.
Connect our flexible electrophoresis instrument on lab automation track.
This section contains information intended for wide distribution and may therefore contain product details or information that is not available or valid in your country.
Please contact your local Sebia representative. Information intended for healthcare professionals.
Carefully read the instructions in the reagent package inserts and instrument manuals.