with correct estimation of FLC values without antigen excess or overestimation by polymerization vs Nephelometry / Turbidimetry Methods.
with concordance value between SPE and FLC Kappa & FLC Lambda which help on interpretation results.
for patient therapy monitoring and meeting IMWG guidelines.
vs other methods and lower manual dilutions needed.
to any type of ELISA Instrument for standardization and efficiency process.
Quantification of Kappa or Lambda Free Light Chains is performed with an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) procedure utilizing specific antibodies anti-Kappa or anti-Lambda free light chains.
Serum sample
Microplate with 96 wells in strip format.
The serum Free Light Chains is an important test in Prognosis and Monitoring of Multiple Myeloma patients.
IFCC Euromedlab 2021
Sebia booth: #121
Sebia Workshop: EduW22
Educational Webinar with Prof. Alessandro Gozzetti, MD, PhD
IFCC Worldlab 2022
Sebia booth: #72
Sebia Workshop: EduW25
Educational Webinar with Prof. Giovanni PALLADINI, PhD
IFCC Euromedlab /WorldLab 2023
Sebia booth: #21
Sebia Workshop: EduW15
Educational Workshop with Pr Giovanni Palladini
Educational Webinar with Dr. Matthias Orth from University of Heidelberg at University Hospital Mannheim.
Expanding offering for Multiple Myeloma and AL Amyloidosis Testing.
Expanding offering for Multiple Myeloma and AL Amyloidosis Testing.
European Myeloma Network Meeting – EMN 2025
Sebia booth: #6
Educational Webinar with Dr. Joseph Mikhael MD and Dr. Christopher Farnsworth, PhD
Educational Webinar with Maria Willrich, Ph.D. and Angela Dispenzieri, M.D.
The « 20 » and « 100 » Ratios Cut-off can be used in routine with Sebia FLC assays for high-risk smoldering multiple myeloma stratification and for assessing progression to active multiple myeloma or amyloidosis.
* based on the IMWG Criteria for the Diagnosis of MM
This section contains information intended for wide distribution and may therefore contain product details or information that is not available or valid in your country.
Please contact your local Sebia representative. Information intended for healthcare professionals.
Carefully read the instructions in the reagent package inserts and instrument manuals.