Protein Electrophoresis labs are subject to workforce shortages, workflow improvements and cost constraints that require innovative solutions.
Learn how a Sebia customer utilized the CAPILLARYS 3 instruments and PHORESIS software to increase efficiency and accuracy. The results of this workflow study showed that the Med Techs achieved a reduced hands-on time by nearly three hours. Additionally, with reduction in turn-around time by approximately 84%, the lab’s pathologists was able to receive patient results sooner utilizing PHORESIS software real-time feature.
Evolution makes the difference.
Capillary Electrophoresis solution to meet your high capacity needs.
Identification of monoclonal proteins by agarose gel electrophoresis.
Fully automated monoclonal proteins identification by Capillarys electrophoresis.
High throughput Serum Protein Electrophoresis with high resolution results.
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Please contact your local Sebia representative. Information intended for healthcare professionals.
Carefully read the instructions in the reagent package inserts and instrument manuals.