The Carbohydrate-deficient Transferrin (CDT) marker is commonly used for assessing chronic alcohol abuse. This marker is associated with a high specificity and benefits from an internationally recognized certification set up by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC). Using this approach, any individual with CDT result of 1.8% or higher is considered « clinically positive » across the globe, while any result over 2% is « forensically positive » to reduce the possibility of legal challenges. The CDT marker is included in many local guidelines and recommendations for different applications (clinical use, forensic settings, transportation safety, life insurance policies…) as its value for chronic alcohol abuse detection has been demonstrated for more than a decade.
Based on capillary electrophoresis technique, Sebia has developed a reliable and automated solution for CDT testing.
Download our leaflet and discover several applications related to the CDT marker.
Un concentré de l’expertise de Sebia dans un instrument à haut débit.
L’automatisation compacte et abordable de l’électrophorèse capillaire.
Le marqueur de l’abus chronique d’alcool le plus fiable.
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