Come & Meet us on the Sebia booth #300
Location: Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Sebia Workshop
Date: Monday, June 6th
From 4PM to 5PM
Immunotyping (IT) by capillary electrophoresis offers a more automated solution than immunofixation (IF) to confirm the presence of a monoclonal protein and determine its isotype. In this session, Dr. Katie Thoren will present data from a recent study comparing the performance of IT to IF. She will discuss the importance of reviewer training, the analytical and clinical sensitivity of IT and IF, the limitations of each test and potential strategies for mitigating these limitations. Dr. David Grenache will discuss the use of IT for screening and monitoring monoclonal gammopathies. He will review the practical advantages/disadvantages of IT, the testing workflows and reflex strategies used in his laboratory, and guidelines for screening.
Learning Objectives:
Solution d’électrophorèse capillaire pour répondre à vos besoins de haute capacité.
L’automatisation compacte et abordable de l’électrophorèse capillaire.
Identification de protéines monoclonales complètement automatisée par électrophorèse capillaire.
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