The EurA1c trial, organized yearly, investigates the performance of HbA1c assays across countries and manufacturers. EQA organisers of different countries use the same two samples either in their regular EQA program or stand-alone. Results of all countries are evaluated and presented in terms of performances per country and per manufacturer. The trial has Eurocentric roots but, in the meantime, also non-European countries are participating.
Since 2016, Sebia instruments have demonstrated excellent performances for both whole blood and lyophilised samples.
Furthermore, the number of Sebia instruments participating in this important EQA has tremendously increased over these past years, demonstrating the adoption of this technique by the laboratories, as the technique of choice for an accurate and robust HbA1c measurement.
Solution d’électrophorèse capillaire pour répondre à vos besoins de haute capacité.
L’automatisation compacte et abordable de l’électrophorèse capillaire.
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