Alegria fecal calprotectin reduces TAT helping in the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel diseases with robust results.
The flexibility of Alegria monotest solution helps the correct stratification of the SLE patient population.
This comprehensive meta-analysis highlights the benefit of testing anti-MCV additionally to anti-CCP and RF in the context of early diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
The « 20 » and « 100 » Ratios Cut-off can be used in routine with Sebia FLC assays for high-risk smoldering multiple myeloma stratification and for assessing progression to active multiple myeloma or amyloidosis.
This special Issue related to newborn screening for Sickle Cell disease and other hemoglobinopathies tried to cover the most widely faced challenges in the field of newborn screening for SCD.
Immunotherapies for Multiple Myeloma, like the monoclonal antibody daratumumab, can create false positive IgG Kappa bands on Immunofixation gels. This paper describes best practice guidelines for using the Hydrashift assay to remove daratumumab interference from Immunofixation gels.
2005 Multiple sclerosis consensus criteria includes CSF IgG oligoclonal bands.
In this report, we evaluated the use of the capillary electrophoresis (CE) migration position in the CAPILLARYS 2 CE instrument.