BIOXA Laboratory is the result of the merger of several independent labs from the Marne department (51). It currently includes eleven sites.
The main technical platform has been located on the outskirts of Reims, in Bezannes, since 2018. It brings together the previous activities of several technical sites: two already automated, one in charge of clinics and all haematology, haemostasis and immunohematology examinations, the other in charge of biochemistry and immuno-enzymology, and two sites then not automated, one of bacteriology and the other dedicated to protein electrophoresis. Our project to consolidate our technical activities was initiated during the construction of the new Reims Bezannes Polyclinic. We opened this new platform in June 2018, starting with the activity of the clinics. We then managed a gradual scale-up of our entire routine at this site until February 2019.
Collega il nostro analizzatore per elettroforesi alla catena di automazione di laboratorio.
Strumenti in elettroforesi capillare per soddisfare le esigenze di alto volume di lavoro.
Questa sezione contiene informazioni destinate a un’ampia distribuzione e potrebbe pertanto contenere dettagli dei prodotti o informazioni non disponibili o valide nel vostro paese.
Contattare il rappresentante Sebia locale. Informazioni destinate agli operatori sanitari.
Leggere attentamente le istruzioni contenute nei foglietti illustrativi dei reagenti e nei manuali degli strumenti.