In some cases, stand-alone solutions may simply become an additional complexity layer within the already complex laboratory environment.
Without integration approach, a testing solution can easily turn into a problem. At a certain extend, it could even lead to a performance decrease at some labs.
With Sebia Lean Service, we can get an in-depth understanding of your needs and constraints by performing a complete on-site evaluation.
In this way, we can offer the most suitable and fully integrated solution for your lab.
This is really what brings the efficiency that allows you to reach your performance objectives for HbA1c, Protein Electrophoresis, Immunotyping, Haemoglobin Electrophoresis, CDT testing.
To learn about Sebia Lean Service click below.
La potenza di 36 capillari in una workcell automatica per alti volumi.
Ampio menu e risultati di alta qualità in elettroforesi su gel d’agarosio.
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Contattare il rappresentante Sebia locale. Informazioni destinate agli operatori sanitari.
Leggere attentamente le istruzioni contenute nei foglietti illustrativi dei reagenti e nei manuali degli strumenti.