Serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) is the most common indicator to diagnose and monitor plasma cell myeloma but there are also clinical and biological signs which are indications for SPE such as recurrent infections, hyperviscosity, bone pain or anemia, renal insufficiency, hypercalcemia…
In this webinar, thanks to several case reports, Dr. Julien Guillemaud will discuss the importance of SPE for the detection of an M-protein and of serum immunofixation and immunotyping to confirm the presence of the M-protein and determine its isotype. After several general points about SPE and plasma cell myeloma, Dr. Julien Guillemaud will separate his webinar in two parts : abnormal patterns and quantitative abnormalities.
Identificazione delle proteine monoclonali mediante elettroforesi su gel d’agarosio.
Identificazione delle proteine monoclonali mediante elettroforesi capillare in totale automazione.
Elettroforesi delle proteine sieriche ad alta produttività, con risultati ad alta risoluzione.
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