Featured Speakers and Topics
Dr. Maria Willrich will discuss “Recent Studies of sFLC Assays and Their Impact on Clinical Assessment”
Dr. Angela Dispenzieri will discuss “The Importance of Testing for Monoclonal Proteins in Non-Tissue Diagnosis of Cardiac Amyloidosis”
Serum free light chain (sFLC) tests have advanced the prediction, diagnosis, and monitoring of plasma cell disorders. This webinar features two leading experts who will compare the performance of sFLC assays in the contexts of Multiple Myeloma, including its precursors such as MGUS and smoldering myeloma, and Amyloidosis. With the introduction of updated guidelines for monoclonal gammopathies and a new, 2023 consensus for cardiac amyloidosis, attendees will gain valuable insights into the interchangeability of assay platforms and key considerations for optimizing testing triage. The discussion will also address reference intervals, method selection, and strategies to enhance assay specificity for improved testing accuracy.
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